For little ones from birth to school age with their adults!

Store House Tots

A safe space for adults to meet together over a cuppa while their little ones play in a safe space.

Let the little ones come

The bible tells us that God has a plan for each of us before we are even born and the youngest of children are so precious to him. Looking after young children can be hard work and quite lonely at times. We have created a peaceful, safe space for parents and carers to bring their little ones to play with a variety of clean toys and enjoy some healthy snacks, while they enjoy a hot cup of tea or coffee and a biscuit. We have a wonderful team ready to welcome you and support you. Everyone (parents, carers, grandparents, foster carers and childminders) are welcome!

Key Information

When: Term-time Fridays

Time: 10am to 11.45am

Where: Storehouse

Age: Birth to school age (4 years) with a responsible adult

Price: £2.50 per family

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