Limitless Kids exists to build a community of families who love Jesus and journey with them as they parent and disciple their children to encounter Jesus for themselves.
At Wave House Church, we love family and recognise the importance of journeying with our families, so that we can teach and disciple every child to know who Jesus is and build a lifelong relationship with Him. God loves His children and has a unique plan for each and every child. We want all children to know how precious they are and that they are so welcome at Wave House Church.
During the Sunday Service, we have a families area for children to help them engage with family worship. There are children’s flags, scripture colouring and a variety of children’s Christian books. After family worship, Splash kids (4 years to 11 years), head over to the Fire House for their sessions for biblical teaching, worship, creative prayer and activities. The teaching is often linked in with the teaching that the adults are receiving, so this enables the whole family to journey together. The children split into two groups: younger (4 years until year 2) and older (year 3 to year 6)
During the Sunday Service, we have the Little Fishes creche available for families with children aged 3 years and younger. We have a comfy space for parents to feed their babies and change them. We also have another room with toddler toys, seating and a small kitchenette. In this space, there is a bible story and activities (for the babies/toddlers and their parent) that take place during the word and is led by a parent-led team.
Our children’s teams are made up of dedicated church members who love children and are committed to keeping them safe. Every team member receives up to date safeguarding training and has up to date checks with the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS). For more information about Safeguarding at Wave House Church, please follow this link. If your child is anxious about joining in with any of the children’s activities, the team will come alongside them to support them with care and encouragement.